
Introducing a Paxx Equestrian™ Original Equine Lick Mat to your horse

Set your horse up for success 

Use a food you know your horse loves
The first time you use your lick mat, make sure you use a known safe treat that your horse really loves. We had a lot of success with homemade pureed carrot, apple and liquorice.

Start with a small portion
We suggest starting with a fresh spread (not frozen). Using a small spatula place a portion of food on the mat (a couple of tablespoons) and spread it around. Steer clear of the edges to avoid tempting your horse to chew them. 

Offer in a comfortable environment
Offer the lick mat in an area where your horse feels comfortable and relaxed. Once your horse learns how to use the lick mat, you can try it in other locations.

Don’t be discouraged if your horse does not take to the lick mat straight away
Remember, your horse needs to learn how to use the lick mat, so give them some time and encourage them with foods you know they love. Our easy going gelding was happy to lick items off the mat when it was hung vertically straight away. With our more anxious mare, we needed to present it under her nose and on the ground before she engaged with it and started licking. We were then able to move it to a vertical surface. She now enjoys the lick mat more than our gelding!

Add some sensory variety
Once your horse becomes more familiar with the lick mat you can start to introduce new horse safe foods. Please remember to keep any food requirements or sensitivities in mind when selecting products for your lick mat. Do your research and start with small amounts. Consult your horses veterinarian or equine nutritionist if you have any questions or concerns.

Challenge your horse
Make your lick mat more challenging by spreading foods thinly over the surface. Use sticky foods to encourage more licking to get it off or freeze your horses favourite topping to make it extra challenging/long lasting.

Have fun together
Have fun discovering your horse's favourite treat. What does your horse love, apple & a dash of cinnamon, watermelon & mint or maybe banana & blueberry? You can try lots of horse safe food variations.

Time to clean up
Rinse under a tap or clean in the sink or dishwasher. Remove your carabiners if you are placing your lick mat in the dishwasher.

Check your lick mat regularly and do not use it if it is damaged.


Final thoughts and tips

The great thing about lick mats is that you can make them as simple or as complex as you like. Choose a single topping you know your horse really enjoys or mix and match to create your own gourmet recipes for your horse.

A small spatula makes loading the lick mat a lot easier.

Your horse is not going to like every food you present and that's ok! It took us a while to find out what spreads our horses really loved and they each had their own preferences. 

You don’t need a lot of food on the mat to create a fun enriching food experience for your horse. Smaller portions on the mat make it easier to introduce new foods.

Our mare was never interested in store bought licks. Since designing our lick mat and creating our own spreads, we have found she does like licks and licking, we had just never found one she enjoyed. Now she has the opportunity to participate in some fun food enrichment activities too.

If you are sticking it up using the suctions, give the surface you are sticking it to a quick wipe, it also helps if the suctions are a little wet.